- Welcoming Address
- Opening Address
- Keynote Address by Prime Minister of Malaysia
- Energy Asia Official Launch
Opening Address
State of Industry and the Role of OPEC
Asia’s Energy Future: Investment Priorities for Security and Sustainability
How to Think About the Future of Energy
Cradle Fund
Ever AI Technologies
Eco-Shift: Holistic Transformation towards Environmental Sustainability
Eco-shift means making radical changes that involves transformation in the way of thinking, decision-making, practices and lifestyle of an individual that could proactively contribute to environmental sustainability. In a community or corporation, Eco-shift means holistic transformation of an entity in its philosophies, policies, strategies, governance, decision-making, financial, technical prowess, standard, operating procedures and practices for environmental sustainability. Eco-shift begins with a state of mind and decision framework that could lead to major changes in national policies, corporate strategies, personal lifestyle and cultural transformation.
What Lies Ahead: S&P Global Energy Outlook
Atul Arya
Senior Vice President and Chief Energy Strategist
S&P Global Commodity Insights
Leanne Todd
Head of Upstream Solutions
S&P Global
Gauri Jauhar
Executive Director, Energy Transitions & CleanTech Consulting
S&P Global Commodity Insights
Michael Stoppard
Chief Strategist Global Gas
S&P Global
Energy Ministerial: Policies and Pathways for a Sustainable Asia
Charting Pathways for a Sustainable Asia
Iraya Energies
Luncheon Talk: Geo-economics of Energy: Shifting Powers
Tatsuya Terazawa
Chairman & CEO
Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ)
Dr. Maha Hosain Aziz
MA IR Professor and Author
New York University's Graduate School of Arts & Sciences (NYU GSAS)
Patrick Muttart
Senior Vice-President of External Relations
TC Energy
Zafar Samadov
Programme Officer Partnerships
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
Commodity Markets & the Energy Transition
Materials in Works
IRA, EU Green Deal and CBAM: Changing the Game, Altering Expectations
H.E. Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad
Minister of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change
Brad Crabtree
Assistant Secretary, Fossil Energy and Carbon Management
U.S. Department of Energy
Karen Andries
Vice President Asia-Pacific Exploration & Production
Mazuin Ismail
Senior Vice President, Corporate Strategy
Xage Security
Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society and Economy
An innovation agenda for turning our biggest global societal challenges into opportunities to thrive.
The future will be better than you think. Thriving shows how innovation can regenerate nature, society, and the economy by taking us from degradation to restoration of ecosystems, from depletion to renewal of resources, from disparity to responsibility in communities, from disease to revitalization of health, from disconnection to rewiring through technology, and from disruption to resilience of infrastructure and institutions.
Thriving strives to:
- Inform about why change is necessary and how it happens in society, as well as counter prevailing despair and pessimism about the state of the world with hope and optimism
- Inspire with what change is possible and where it is already happening, showing how we can go from problems of breakdown to breakthrough solutions
- Impel by creating a desire to turn information and inspiration into action, adding momentum to the growing regeneration movement
Thriving is not an exercise in blind optimism about technology or other miracle-cure solutions; rather, it is an accessible approach to systems thinking and an offer of pragmatic hope based on purpose-driven creativity and innovation. Whether you’re a progressive leader, a professional in the sustainability field, or someone who simply wants to be better informed about ways to take positive action, this thorough guide is for you.
Asia's Transition: Balancing Security, Affordability and Sustainability
Dr. Dong Sub Kim
President & CEO
Korea National Oil Corporation
Ichiro Takahara
Chairman and CEO
Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC)
Ingunn Svegården
Senior Vice President Asia-Pacific Renewables and Country Manager Singapore
Equinor ASA
Tim Gould
Chief Energy Economist
International Energy Agency (IEA)
Financing Asia’s Transition
Igniting Innovative Leadership
Asia’s Opportunity: Building New Alliances
Tadashi Maeda
Chairman of the Board
Japan Bank for International Cooperation
Special Advisor to the Cabinet
The Government of Japan
Roongrote Rangsiyopash
President & CEO
Ernie L. Thrasher
Founder & CEO
Xcoal Energy & Resources
Dr. Muhammad Abdullah Haji Zaidel
Deputy State Secretary (Economic Planning and Development)
Department of the Premier of Sarawak
Malaysia’s Energy Transition Pathways
Digital Technology Pathways for the Energy Transition
Welcome Reception
*The information provided herein may be subject to change without notice.