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What’s On The Agenda at Energy Asia


What’s On The Agenda at Energy Asia

The inaugural Energy Asia is almost here, as Asia’s premier energy conference takes centre stage and moves towards its goal of charting pathways for a sustainable Asia this 26th to 28th of June.

Asia is at the heart of a global net-zero journey, and Energy Asia is a platform at the centre of the region’s future energy transition. This is a region home to over half the global population, responsible for more than half of global energy demand, and powered by energised and expanding economies that are central to sustained and equitable global growth.

Energy Asia, supported by knowledge partner Ceraweek by S&P Global, brings you leading energy insight for Asia’s net-zero future, exploring the vital topics and key industry challenges in delivering a just transition for the region.

What’s On The Agenda at Energy Asia

Exploring the Energy Asia Agenda

This groundbreaking three-day event will give attendees access to, and insight from, a wide range of speakers from industries and organisations that are key to unlocking the value of energy transition for Asia.

This content will be delivered across more than 50 strategic sessions, bringing together insight from across the energy ecosystem, exploring a detailed agenda designed to inform and engage actionable solutions for a just energy transition in Asia and beyond.

The agenda for Energy Asia will look at pressing opportunities and challenges designed to supercharge a regional energy transformation:

  • How would permanent structural changes driven by geopolitics and geoeconomics impact policies and strategic direction?
  • Energy scenarios and strategic options in balancing the energy trilemma of security, sustainability, and affordability.
  • How can government-to-government collaboration be strengthened among the international community for a successful energy transition for the region?
  • New models of finance and investment to do it right and do the right thing.
  • Energy policies, regulations,  and incentives – building a framework that is effective, impactful, consistent, and backed by sustained delivery.
  • Turning net-zero commitments into business-building – clean and sustainable energy.
  • Technologies to unlock decarbonisation pathways, does it exist and what is the cost?

Asia is a unique and diverse region, with a wide range of energy solutions, financing, and strategic transition pathways required to deliver on the net-zero ambitions of individual nations and organisations. Energy Asia is a platform to both inform and engage that change, helping build partnerships that can help deliver a truly fit-for-purpose energy transition for stakeholders across Asia.

Are you signed up yet? You’ve still got time to hear from renowned speakers at a conference designed to unite industry players, with a vision to provide actionable solutions by:

  • Translating pledges into measurable targets
  • Turnings issues and challenges into business-building opportunities arising from energy transition
  • Developing ecosystems to achieve a just and responsible net zero future for Asia

Find out more at officialenergyasia.com and register as a delegate at officialenergyasia.com/delegate/#register_now_as_delegate

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